Persona Research

In the modern age of account based marketing it is critical to be able to engage a target account as a market of one!

To understand who the influencers, the champion, the key decision makers, their job roles responsibilities and the role that they will play in your sale.

To enable this complexed view within key target accounts Segment One has pioneered proprietary methodologies, technologies and tools to structure handcrafted contact information for any business and group of influencers and the decision makers critical to your sale.

We will work with you to understand the persona of the contacts that you need to engage with, their roles, titles and job functions and provide unique bespoke contact list and contact details including names , titles, email addresses and social media handles of exactly the contact job roles you need.

Every client requirement is different and typically we will happily offer samples to demonstrate the power of these unique methodologies and how this depth of information accelerates marketing automation and account based marketing.

  • Extensive contact details of exactly the right people you need to engage with
  • Real time access to 9m + UK business contacts / 650m global contact
  • Job Role /Title / Telephone / Email & Social Media handles
  • Continuously refreshed and updated
  • Tracking contact as they move roles